General Design Criteria for facilities (1) Elements Common to Sterile and Hazardous. standards and USP 797 to assure compliance. United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 797-2008 and USP 800-2016. Air exchange with the surrounding environment should not occur. Until a few years ago, general hospital areas and systems had an operating humidity expectation of 30% to 60%. How to maintain USP 797 compliance. However, a requirement statement from USP <800> has been added in blue. As of March 1, the pharma industry finally has comprehensive guidance in the form of USP <1790> Visual Inspection of Injections, which becomes effective in August 2017. Read more detailed information prepared by the AAAAI on the updated standards:. The US Pharmacopeia is currently in the process of revising Chapter < USP 797 > “Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Preparations” in its entirety, and has finalized the new. USP 42-NF 37 (2008). It features more than 40 General Chapters, including <795> and <797>, and more than 170 compounding monographs. In the interim, BUD assignmentsenforced by USP; however, 28 states have adopted <797> and CMS recently adopted most provisions of the chapter and is enforcing these standards. USP 797, USP 800. The purpose of U. Specifically, USP published revisions to general chapter <797> (Pharmaceutical Compounding and Sterile Preparations) and published a new. the quality standards outlined in USP Chapter <797> and no discussion was specifically held to sug - gest any additions or revisions. October 5, 2017 USP Issues New Timeline for Revisions to Compounding Rules, Aims to Publish Final Compounding Standards by December 2019. Therefore, the 2019 revision of USP 797 is no longer enforceable. November 8, 2022 – Overview of Open Forums for <795> and <797>. Category 3 CSPs represent a new addition to the USP General Chapter 797. ing enforcement guidelines to be indicated by individual state boards of pharmacy and accreditation bodies. It describes the CSP requirements (guidelines, USP 797 procedures and compliance) for CSPs and sets the standards that apply to. On September 29, 2017, the USP announced a delay in the official effective date of USP 800, postponing it from July 1, 2018 to December 1, 2019. November 1, 2022 – Revisions to USP General Chapters <795> and <797>. USP <797> standards apply to all persons who prepare CSPs and to all locations where CSPs are. (USP-797-2008). May 14, 2022 – Compounding Expert Committee Update on <795> and <797>. Although the USP proposes standards for pharmaceutical compounding and handling, including USP <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Nonsterile Preparations and USP <797>. In 2015, CMS issued updated interpretive guidelines specifying that USP Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations. New Hampshire is one of them. On March 12, 2020, USP published that the 2019 revision of USP 797 was remanded as a result of a final appeal hearing. Commonwealth of Massachusetts – Department of Public Health – Bureau of Health Professions Licensure. revised <795> on June 1, 2019, USP received appeals on certain provisions in <795>. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) considers a drug to be hazardous if it exhibits one or more of the following characteristics in humans. 15 To help achieve that. United States. The USP Compounding Compendium provides access to the United States Pharmacopeia standards and the National Formulary ( USP–NF ), the official compendia of standards for drugs marketed in the United States. Surface sampling must be performed monthly. These standards become effective December 1, 2019. Moved Permanently. 2004 Jun;45(6):20N, 28N. Massachusetts. would be used as the best practice. USP 797 2019 revision remanded . Massachusetts State Board of Pharmacy Yes Yes. o Bacterial agar plates: 30-35oC for 48-72 hours. 16 At the time of writing, the USP standards for non‐sterile (USP Chapter <795>) and sterile (USP Chapter <797>) BUDs are undergoing revision and may change significantly with the new updated chapters. g. c. After publication of the revised and new compounding standards, USP received appeals on certain provisions in <795>,. USP 800 expands controls for the protection of workers and environments against hazardous drug compounds. Pharmacopeia (USP) 797 is to provide the practice standards to help ensure that compounded sterile preparations are of high quality, and is for the pre-administration phase of sterile preparations. If you are an early adopter of USP chapter 800 under PQAC Policy Statement #60 -Regulation of the Handling of Hazardous Drugs, Questions 43, 56, and 72 you may answer N/A to the USP <797> requirement. The certification program includes assessment of compliance of USP Chapters <797> and <795>. 5 Can an ante room be ISO Class 8 or if there is negative pressure, can it be ISO Class 7? Based on the definition in USP Chapter <797>, the Ante Room should be ISO Class 8 or better. Effective January 2017, TJC launched a new Medication Compounding Certification program for hospital and home care agency compounding pharmacies. For several years, different versions of USP have fostered concern and confusion about whether these pharmacy standards apply to (and will impact) the drug preparation and. Latest Updates. Most of the con - sensus statements fit with a particular core process, but some span several core processes. USP general chapter 797> pharmaceutical compounding-sterile preparations J Nucl Med. A good practice is to have an outside certifier perform the tests every six months. pharmacy compounding standards. Due to the final appeal decision, the chapter will be reopened, and it is unknown which parts of the chapter will be revised. 2 Pharmacy Rules/Regulations by State for Compliance with USP 797 Medication Compounding 2/28/2017 State Agency Specifically Requires USP 797 State Specific Language Citation Notes Florida State Board of. 21-4. Staff USP 797 training should cover best practices and core competencies for each type of employee, ideally in a hands-on, situation-based learning format with both practical and written exams. The compounding environment is suitable for its in-cific quantities of all components, compounding procedure tended purpose; and procedures are implemented tocompounding standards of United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <797> and USP <800>, which. USP standards require maintaining relative humidity below 60%. techniques by preparing media fill units per USP Chapter <797> standards. standards for medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements. Certification standards, which are based on the current USP Chapter <797> requirements which state garbing is dirtiest to cleanest. Designed to protect both patients and pharmacists, USP 797 requires attention to three main areas to ensure compliance: staff. The Commission believes USP 800 furthers the Commission’s mission of. On August 31, 2021, proposed revisions to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General Chapter 797 Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Compounding (USP ) were published. Some states have adopted these guidelines into statute. USP standards, then references establishing compatibility and stability must be Compounding Record Guidance Document. USP 797 applies to everyone involved in sterile compounding: pharmacists, nurses, physicians and pharmacy technicians. Updated February 16, 2017 Version 6 USP <797> Page 1 of 17 . After publication of the . Category 1 and 2 CSPs were previously introduced to replace low-, medium-, and high-risk preparations. o Fungal agar plates: o26-30 C for 5-7 days. 2017. docx 11/16/2017 1:44:21 PM. 800 standards as proposed that are in conflict with current USP 797 standards. High Risk:On June 1, 2019, USP published revisions to General Chapter <795> for nonsterile compounding and General Chapter <797> for sterile compounding, as well as a new General Chapter <825> for radiopharmaceuticals. The author is a member of the USP Compounding Expert Committee, but this publication is not endorsed by or affiliated with USP. 2 GUIDELINES A. If the CACI used for hazardous drug preparation is located. The USP 797 guidelines make monitoring a rule. ensure compliance with USP 797 standards. The last few decades have seen an increasing demand in various health care settings for solid oral dosage form drug products repackaged into unit-dose containers, which hold a quantity ofWHAT IS USP 797? The United States Pharmacopeia is an organization that creates pharmacy-related standards. ing the ASHP guidelines with United States Pharmacopeia (USP) chapter 797, Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations. You must perform viable air testing once every six months at least. USP general chapter pharmaceutical compounding-sterile preparations. o oSingle plate method agar plates: 30-35 C for 48-72 hours and then 26-30oC for 5-7 days. It was first published in 2004, so <797> predates the meningitis tragedy of 2012. USP General Chapter <800> provides standards for safe handling of hazardous drugs to minimize the risk of exposure to healthcare personnel, patients and the environment. 7 Those. 10. General Chapter <797> for sterile compounding, as well as a new General Chapter <825> for radiopharmaceuticals. The lower range has been dropped to 20% for most areas. The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy’s (Board’s) compliance officer conducted an onsite inspection on October 21, 2016 and found aCAIs or CACIs located outside of an ISO Class 7 environment must be coupled with documentation from the manufacturer that the device will meet or exceed USP chapter 797 standards under these conditions and be dynamically tested on site to USP 797 and CETA requirements. Chapter 797 (or “USP 797”) outlines robust standards for the compounding of sterile products. There is some alignment with USP <797> and <800>. Comments in this book are related to USP <795> and <797> from USP 39−NF 34, 2016. The ultimate goal and purpose of USP <797> is patient safety and consistency in the preparation and dispensing of CSPs. The USP compounding guideline, Chapter 800, clarifies and expands upon the hazardous drug guidelines found in USP 797. Stricter guidelines have been. –Dec. Also, at this time, TJC is in the process of reviewing its standards relatingThe objective of the USP 797 Guidelines is to describe conditions and practices to prevent harm, including death, to patients. C. Based on the updated chapter, this article will focus on proper attire and hand hygiene for sterile compounding. The document has moved here. the requirements and recommendations of the USP General Chapter. Based on the number and significance of public comments received in response to the revision proposal published in PF 41(6), the USP Compounding Expert Committee is proposing to revise this chapter. , Drug Quality and Security Act), as well as the. USP develops standards for preparing compounded sterile medications to help ensure patient benefit and reduce risks such as contamination, infection or incorrect. 8 (license) to avoid possible administrative action due to non-compliance with USP <797>. USP <797> Standard Operating Procedure • Incubation o Samples are placed in the incubator on the day that they are received in the laboratory. BUD Updates. Chapters 795 (USP 795) and 797 (USP 797), it expects pharmacists engaging in compounding to adhere to those guidelines that apply to their practice setting and in all. pears in a peer-reviewed journal article that contains spe- 5. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) must be reviewed initially and at least every 12 months by the designated person(s) to ensure that the SOPs reflect current practices,. In the intervening months, your certified personnel can conduct the tests. Some articles have suggested a lower limit for pharmacy spaces should be 40%. Revisions to <795> and <797> Sign Up For Compounding Updates. VHA Directive 1108. PMID: 15181114 No abstract available. Revisions to those documents must be considered when designing. , Rockville, MD, US. In addition, the PDA Task Force for Difficult to Inspect Parenteral Products has completed a new technical report with essential information on formulations or container. Author Joseph C Hung. In accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the 2015–2020 Council of Experts, USP is postponing the official date of Pharmaceutical Compounding—Nonsterile Preparations <795>. 06, Inpatient Pharmacy Services, dated February 8, 2017, requires VA facilities to comply with federal laws and regulations pertaining to compounded sterile preparations (e. There were several issues of improper quality (strength as well as microbial contamination) that occurred in 1989 and 1990, prompting both a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Alert and an ASHP Urgent Attention letter directed to sterile compounders. Pharmacopeia (USP) compounding monograph or that ap- erly maintained, and used appropriately. The remainder of this report will discuss agreed upon consensus statements for CSPs. After publication of the revised and new. These standards are taken directly from document 2017 USP General Chapter <800> Hazardous Drugs – Handling in Healthcare Settings and are reflective of all required and must standards. CSPs in Category 1 had beyond-use dates of 12 hours or less at controlled room temperature or 24 hours or less refrigerated. (Pre-qualification & On-going) Low and Medium Risk: Once and then annually. . S. Oct 31, 2017 . 2015]. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. On November 17, 2017 the New Hampshire Board of. Background In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). On January 18, 2017, the VA OIG received information that the facility relinquished its Louisiana Pharmacy Permit. The new USP Chapter <797> standards were posted on June 1, 2019. Several licensed facilities in Washington. Guidelines as TopicThe Revision to USP General Chapter <797>, USP 42-NF 37: Pharmaceutical Compounding— Sterile Preparations (2019). BRIEFING 〈797〉 Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations, USP 41 page 6554 and PF 41(6) [Nov. ConsensusThe goal of all of the recommendations within USP <800> is to minimize or eliminate occupational exposure to hazardous medications. USP General Chapter <61> Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests. 01–Dec–2019 Expert Committee Compounding Reason for Revision Compliance—Postponement In accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the. KEY CHANGES USP <797> KEY CHANGES The following represents key changes from the currently enforceable version of USP Chapter <797> (last major revision in 2008) to. In contrast to USP 797, which only remedies sterile compounding activities, USP 800 takes a 360°.